

This is for #Sketch_dailies over on their twitter page.This daily challenge has been superb, as it's fresh and focused, which is something I'm trying to reinvent with my own personal work.
At this time in my art career has been a super tough one, being I'm searching for the next job and it doesn't seem like studios are willing to open their doors to my work. So in the meantime I am trying to do personal work for myself which has been INCREDIBLY difficult. After work-work-working for a good 4 years since graduation and trying to scrape by as a freelancer, there's not been much room for doing personal work since being in college. But like riding a bike, our bodies tend to remember these inherent feelings and movements that we once knew. 

So thank-you to all of you who have checked back to this dusty blog to see if there's any new work here. I am trying to be better about this whole updating thing. :)

Blur + The Goon


Guess whaaat everybody??? A dream has come true! After much anticipation, I can officially announce that I will be working on Eric Powell's, The Goon as a development and story artist. Reality has yet to sink in, and then my mind will probably explode from the awesomeness of this opportunity. There is going to be so much to learn, new people to befriend, and amazing badassery to be done! If any of you are in the area, please give a shout out. As I am having a bit of difficulty finding a place in the Culver City/Wilshire area. ^^;

Alas, here is some Goon to commemorate this amazing opportunity. 

Cheers - Haylee

Happy All Hallows Day!


Herro everyone! This will be the first of hopefully many many more posts to bring this blog back from the dead. There's nothing more ironic or fitting than doing it with a Halloween drawing for you all. I was experimenting between a cheesecake werewolf girl...It doesn't quite sit right with me in some areas, others it seems to fit.

Anyhoo-- I have big plans for the blog so to those who have kept interest over the past year and a half without posts wondering where the heck I've been. I honestly have been trying to figure that out myself.

Hope you enjoy.



Please stand by...

This blog needs some major life brought back to it. So please bear with this work in progress. :]





Wow, long time and no posts!! Sorry folks, life has been quite a whirl-wind of a ride as of recent, and the only artwork that I have been doing is not to be seen by any of your lovely public eyes.

Alas, I was contacted by a kind gentleman, Craig Bowers, who invited me to be apart of a wonderful cause to help out with the disaster in Japan. It's called VendMendSend, and is taking place here:

Friday July 1, 2011
118 North Howard Street
Baltimore, MD 21201 

So all those who are in or close to the Maryland area, please stop by to take a look, or participate in the raffle to help benefit doctors over in Japan.

As for the piece of artwork itself, it was done to show my love to a good friend of mine. He's very precious to me. <3



A Few of My Favorite Things


Hello Folks,

This was my donation to the ArtBlocks for Ghana auction that took place last week. So, it's as the title says, and I wished I could have only done more! I hope you all like.



I'mma Gonna Be an Animator


 Hello Everyone!

Please forgive the long absence here on the blog, life has been taking an interesting turn and it's been quite the ride.

I was given the greatest birthday present, which was being offered a position at Digital Domain's new feature animation studio as their first story/visual development trainee. I was also blessed with an even more incredible Christmas gift with a house to be able to live in for this new opportunity! God has blessed me with an new, amazing creative family; namely my mentor Craig Grasso, who is hands down just plain awesome. Go check out his amazing work NOW, you'll be thoroughly satisfied with all the wonderful work there.

Also, good news for the Anthology Project Vol. 2. It will be ready for purchase around the end of April to the beginning of March! It will be a first to be published in an anthology with a comic, which is truly exciting, and hope that I will be able to join the Anthology crew for their third volume.

I hope to be posting some actual work soon! So hold on to your horses in the meantime, and I appreciate all of you who have been hanging in there for me!
