This is for #Sketch_dailies over on their twitter page.This daily challenge has been superb, as it's fresh and focused, which is something I'm trying to reinvent with my own personal work.
At this time in my art career has been a super tough one, being I'm searching for the next job and it doesn't seem like studios are willing to open their doors to my work. So in the meantime I am trying to do personal work for myself which has been INCREDIBLY difficult. After work-work-working for a good 4 years since graduation and trying to scrape by as a freelancer, there's not been much room for doing personal work since being in college. But like riding a bike, our bodies tend to remember these inherent feelings and movements that we once knew.
So thank-you to all of you who have checked back to this dusty blog to see if there's any new work here. I am trying to be better about this whole updating thing. :)