Figures, Paintings and Chara Designs

These are a a few figure pieces that I've done in my Figure II class this past week. I feel that I'm finally getting over my fear of pressing a little too hard into the paper and worrying about technique. I've yet to really see and feel the actual colors that make believable flesh tones. Those greens and blues baffle me. Anyhoo, the first image is a long pastel study and the second is my first figure painting in oil that I did today. I'm quite pleased with the results, but man--so much to learn!

Here are some recent character designs done up for Concept class. These were a lot of fun to do. Not too proud of the first two but I love the pompous lizard/bug thing and the fuzzy plant creature. I would love to do a walk cycle for him.
This is a landscape done in oils that I believe was done last Friday. Totally skipped out on FEWS to do it, but I definitely needed to do paint to warm myself up for a 30x40 illo for ILL I class.

Anyway--hope you all dig. Take care and cheers!
