Rockin Out at the Academy

I sincerely apologize for disappearing like that, the Academy has definitely been taking up most of my attention and leaving me little space to scan in all the work I'm producing. What I have to show is (yet again) a molskine page of character studies for a current assignment based around the topic of conversation. C.F. Payne was the visiting artist for this week, and wow, what a guy! So far I feel amazingly blessed to be here making all sorts of new friends, getting a professional network going, and going through the thick and thin of all that the Academy has thrown at me. My mind is certainly going to be thinking in a different fashion from now on when I approach a piece, I think it's been that way for everyone here.

For all those going to the San Diego con, tell me all about it when you get back! I really wish I could go, but funds are a bit short for me right now. Although, I do plan on attending the next CA workshop in January. Let me know how all of you are doing, I'd love to hear how everything has been going!

Also, one last thing I'd like to share, and it's this quote said by the father of illustration himself: " Periods of hard struggle are big stepping stones to success." So for all you artists out there having a hard time, remember it's all for the better.

Peace out,



Marcos Mateu said...

Really nice sketches in this blog.

The Damaged Graphics said...

This was a lovely blog post